【同义词辨析】 2019-02-15 过错blameworthy-culpable

blameworthy, blamable: acknowledge the censurable quality of the act or the agent but imply nothing about the degree of reprehensibility: conduct adjudged ~ by a military court; an accident for which no one is ~.  (censure严厉批评,特指权威正式的批评authoritative and formal criticism, 如the ethics committee may take a decision to censure him道德委员会也许会对他严厉批评) (reprehend也是严厉批评,指批评驳斥,几乎到了谴责(程度最重)的程度to criticize and rebuke severely,如reprehended the self-centeredness of today's students严厉批评现在学生以自我为中心)

guilty: implies responsibility for or consciousness of crime, sin, or, at least, grave error or misdoing: the defendant was found ~. misdoing泛指坏事

culpable: is weaker than guilty and is likely to connote malfeasance or errors of ignorance, omission, or negligence: a clear case of ~ neglect on the part of the landlord.        malfeasance渎职是指医生等专业技术人员或公务员等国家工作人员,在行使职权过程中玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊造成损失,如the mayor was accused of malfeasance after the audit was completed and irregularities were discovered审计中发现了不规范操作,市长因此受到渎职指控)

blameworthy, blamable应受责备: 明确表示应受严厉批评,但表明批评的程度,guilty有罪的(重): 指对罪行邪恶负责,至少也是严重错误或坏事,culpable有罪的(轻): 程度比guilty轻,常表示渎职或出于无知粗略忽视

记忆方法: 1)首字母BBGC想成斑斑过错<==过错

        2)过错的意思是应受批判惩罚mean deserving reproach or punishment.   reproach还是指严厉批评,如were severely reproached for their late return因为晚归被严厉批评